


Terry Brewer 博士发明的防反射涂层引领了全球微电子行业的变革,开创了如今高速轻型电子设备的潮流。在 Brewer 博士的带领下,Brewer Science 已成长为开发和制造先进材料和设备的全球领导者,用于可靠制造平板电脑、智能手机、数码相机、电视机和 LED 照明等设备中的尖端微器件。


Brewer Science 的员工致力于创造一个可促进创新、多样性和专业发展的环境。我们团队的每个成员都致力于通过结果导向型问题解决方法来帮助客户实现他们的技术目标。Our customers’ long-term success is important to us, and we pride ourselves on exceeding their expectations with our personalized care and commitment.


Brewer Science 视员工高于一切。Our core values— Trust & Integrity, Freedom with Accountability, Win-Win & Mutual Respect, Driven to Deliver, Curiosity & Creativity, and Courage —help create a unique environment that fosters creativity and innovation. 在我们内部,我们相信结合自由、明确的目标和对成长的承诺,能实现最伟大的创新。无论是在内部还是外部,我们坚信开放式沟通是建立信任的基石。


“鹰代表了超越其自身更静态和无形的东西”。——Terry Brewer 博士, 总裁/首席执行官

我们的品牌个性与核心价值密切相关。鹰象征的无形元素——自由、 美丽和和谐 —使鹰是 Brewer Science 的视觉代表。当我们的客户想到 Brewer Science 时,他们会联想到我们是信守承诺的。客户明白我们为他们不知疲倦地工作,并引领下一代产品的制造。我们珍视我们的多样性以及信念,它们无可替代。作为一个团队,我们致力于成为我们行业的领先者,并对世界无私奉献。


Brewer Science 股份有限公司创立

引进 DBARC 产品

占地10,000 平方英尺工厂奠基

建成第一个商用 i-line ARC® 材料生产线

引进 Cee® 设备


授权 DARC® 材料专利

扩建 21,000 平方英尺工厂

成立 Brewer Science 有限公司英国办事处

Brewer Science 成立四个分部中心


扩建 47,000 平方英尺美国工厂

Brewer Science 庆祝成立 20 周年


占地 55,000 平方英尺的美国研发中心奠基


Talon 自动设备当选固态技术的晶圆加工类别的最佳持有成本产品


Brewer Science, Inc. 完成 ISO9001:2000 注册

成立Brewer Science Germany, Limited 德国分公司

密苏里州斯普林菲尔德市的Jordan Valley创新中心奠基

重新装修位于密苏里州斯普林菲尔德市的Jordan Valley创新中心

成立 Brewer Science Japan, 日本分公司

Brewer Science Limited 搬至 Darley Abbey Mills- 庆祝公司成立 20 周年

Brewer Science 将在 Darley Abbey Mills 的东边种植 20 棵树,建造林荫大道,以纪念其成立 20 周年。

Jordan Valley创新中心庆祝成立 5 周年


Jordan Valley创新中心完成剪彩仪式

Brewer Science 的Jordan Valley创新中心扩建增加 4,600 平方英尺空间,用于Brewer Science 的研究和先进的生产制造,总面积达到 12,450 平方英尺,横跨设施的两层楼。

Brewer Science 赞助了 The eFactory 的 'The Perch' 项目

The eFactory 是密苏里州立大学的一个项目,是一个技术型创业中心。The eFactory 的客户可以获得租期灵活的办公空间、业务服务和设备、技术支持、指导及咨询。


Ashwin Rao, Ph.D.

Chief Market Strategy Officer

Prior to joining Brewer, Ashwin was responsible for driving Henkel’s GTM strategy development in the North American adhesives market. With 20 years of experience in strategy, innovation, and marketing at leading global specialty chemicals suppliers, Ashwin is well suited to fulfill the responsibilities of Chief Market Strategy Officer ('CMSO'). His main goal is to leverage leadership and technical expertise of the company and steer the organization toward continued growth in its core and adjacent markets. Ashwin received his Ph.D. in Polymer Science from the University of Akron and an MBA from NYU’s Stern School of Business.

Barbara Picarelli


Barb 于 2002 年加入 Brewer Science,她在财务、制造和保险行业拥有丰富经验 。She is a Certified Public Accountant from the Missouri State Board of Accountancy and holds a BA in Accounting from Maryville University, as well as a Chancellors Certificate of International Trade from the University of Missouri St. Louis and The World Trade Center. Barb 加入 Brewer Science 时担任财务部门的全球审计员,随后于 2009开始担任首席财务官。她表示,Brewer Science 的员工和文化使其 “出类拔萃且与我过去经历过的任何企业都大不相同。

Dan Brewer


在完成昆虫学、生物学和生物化学的研究生学习后,Dan 在 1996年加入了 Brewer Science。He currently serves as our co-CEO. The most exceptional part of Brewer Science, according to Dan, is “a culture of creativity that supports our mission to lead the industry through being a company of the people, by the technology, for the customer, to achieve fulfillment.”

Paul Harris

Chief Sales & Marketing Officer

Paul 于 1991 年毕业于英国 Heriot-Watt 大学,获得了半导体电子应用物理学学士学位。毕业后,Paul 在一家大型综合企业工作,并在国际各地工作。Paul 从 1998 年开始从事半导体行业,并在 2004 加入了 Brewer Science。Paul serves as our Chief Sales & Marketing Officer, which includes global customer service. 尽管他居住在英国,但他领导着一支才华横溢且敬业的国际团队,从我们位于美国密苏里州罗拉的总部到我们位于亚洲和欧洲的区域中心。Paul believes "our customers are at the heart of everything we do and that our unique culture of openness and innovation allows everyone within Brewer Science to bring industry-defining products and enabling solutions to all our customers through our technology leadership."

Rama Puligadda


Rama Puligadda 拥有印度德里印度理工学院 (IIT) 化学理学硕士学位 (1990)、印度德里印度理工学院高分子科学与技术硕士学位 (1992) 以及辛辛那提大学化学工程硕士学位 (1995)。Rama 于1995年加入 Brewer Science,担任研究化学师,从此开始了自己的职业生涯。She has since led and managed several programs at Brewer Science including product development projects and collaborative work with partnering companies, universities, and research institutions. She now serves as the Chief Technical Officer, providing leadership for the design, development and engineering of innovative solutions for the semiconductor industry. “行业的快速发展要求我们以非顺序的方式同时与客户、合作伙伴、财团和合作供应商一起合作,以提供多种解决方案。这只会变得更快,更具挑战性,”Rama 说。“能成为这个行业和这个社区的一分子,并有机会回馈社会,我心怀感激。与 Brewer Science 内外这么多优秀的人士合作对我的帮助特别大。”

Dr. Srikanth (Sri) Kommu


Srikanth (Sri) Kommu 博士是一位富于远见的领导者,他致力于解决困难问题、为客户提供显著增值服务以及为世界做出积极改变。Dr. Kommu has over 20 years of stellar leadership experience in the semiconductor industry, and he currently serves as our co-CEO. He started as a research scientist in 1996 and was most recently the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Senior Vice President (SVP) at MEMC/SunEdison Semiconductor, before joining Brewer Science in 2017. Sri 在担任首席技术官和高级副总裁期间,战略性地定义和完美地执行了高度差异化的产品、功能和成本路线图,品质不断超出客户期望值。He is serving as an Advisory Board member at Washington University since 2012 and worked at Intel and SUMCO earlier in his career. Sri 此前完成了哈弗商学院的综合管理课程(2009),并获得了华盛顿大学化学工程专业的博士 (2001) 和硕士 (1996)学位,以及获得了印度理工学院的学士 (1994) 学位。Sri 表示:“Brewer Science 的高素质人才和创新文化为公司带来竞争优势,Brewer Science 当前比以往更加定位准确,为客户提供高价值产品,推动半导体产业的发展。”

Dr. Dan Sullivan

Chief Product Development Officer

Dan 获得密歇根州立大学的化学博士学位,于 2004 年开启了在 Brewer Science 的职业生涯。He currently serves as the Chief Product Development Officer, leading a team of talented researchers focused on inventing new technologies that solve semiconductor industry-related challenges. 他在化学、高级光刻和工艺集成方面的专业技术,使 Brewer Science 能够不断丰富产品组合以及可推动半导体行业发展的工艺。

Jessica Parsons

Executive Director, Finance

Jessica joined Brewer Science in 1998 and currently serves as the Executive Director of Finance, leading a global team of talented individuals who are dedicated to providing services and data that maintain high standards of quality. She began her accounting career prior to graduating from Drury University with a BS in Accounting/Business Administration in 2002. With over 30 years of experience, she has witnessed many changes within the industry. Jessica is passionate about problem solving, team building, process improvement, having positive influence, and transforming the finance workforce of the future.

Julie Ply

Executive Director, Sales Operations

Julie is a graduate of the University of Missouri – Rolla (now Missouri University of Science and Technology) with a BS in Metallurgical Engineering. In 2014, she started her career in the semiconductor industry as a Senior Quality Engineer with Brewer Science. Prior to that, she spent over 25 years in automotive-related manufacturing, where she managed a variety of manufacturing departments and labs with an emphasis on process engineering and continuous improvement. During Julie’s years in automotive-related manufacturing, she co-authored several papers for SAE (Society of Automotive Engineers) and TMS (The Minerals, Metals and Materials Society). Julie is passionate about team building, empowerment, and identifying solutions to seemingly impossible problems.

Matthew Beard

Executive Director, Strategic Planning, Management Systems, and Sustainability

Before joining Brewer Science in 2005, Matthew earned his B.S. in Ceramic Engineering in 1997 from the University of Missouri – Rolla, followed by a period in the automotive industry, focusing on quality systems and continuous improvement. Throughout his career at Brewer Science, Matthew has worked as a quality engineer, a quality manager, and most recently as Director of Integrated Management Systems focusing on quality systems, environmental sustainability, and safety programs. He now leads our Strategic Planning, Quality, Safety, and Environmental teams as our Executive Director of Strategic Planning, Management Systems, and Sustainability. With a passion for the environment, Matthew continues to work with outside organizations to drive sustainability education and awareness while maintaining excellence through agile planning and continuous improvement methodologies across the company.

Mike Mathews

Executive Director, Global Manufacturing & Logistics

Mike Mathews received a BS in Industrial Safety from Central Missouri State University (now the University of Central Missouri). Mike started his manufacturing journey working nine years in the plastics industry where he served as a shift foreman, process engineer, logistics manager, and EH&S manager for three facilities in three states. In 1997, Mike joined Brewer Science as the safety coordinator, growing to manage several groups over the years including facilities, logistics, procurement, EH&S, and manufacturing, and led many construction projects including the high-volume manufacturing facility located in Vichy, MO. His accomplishments include deploying LEAN initiatives across the operation groups, empowering teams and the people within those teams to achieve excellence in alignment with Brewer Science’s corporate goals and objectives, and exceeding customers’ expectations.

Rebecca Rich

Executive Director, Legal

Becky obtained her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry from the University of Missouri – Rolla. After graduation, she started as an intern and then a research associate in Brewer Science’s New Business Group. After a couple of years, she took an educational leap, enrolling in the University of Missouri School of Law with a plan to focus on patent law. She rejoined Brewer Science in 2010, this time handling the company’s intellectual property. Since then, her responsibilities have grown to all areas of corporate law, including leading a small team and handling topics she never imagined in law school, such as closing an ESOP transaction during a global pandemic. Becky embraces the challenges presented by the growth and uncertainty in our industry, as well as developing the unique culture and vision of Brewer Science.

Ryan Moss

Executive Director, Smart Devices

Ryan Moss serves as the Executive Director of the Smart Devices business division, where he leads the operations and commercialization of market transforming intelligent sensor products. Ryan joined Brewer Science in 2019, where he’s held multiple leadership positions, including Director of Operations, as well as Director of New Business Development. His previous experience includes more than a decade with a world leading logistics company, where Ryan served as General Manager, serving the supply chain operations of multiple Fortune 500 companies.

Dr. Terry Brewer

Founder and Executive Chairman

Dr. Terry Brewer is the founder and Executive Chairman of Brewer Science. Brewer 博士在 1969 年从北德克萨斯州立大学获得物理化学博士学位,并在 1972 年在德克萨斯大学完成了博士后学习。他认为 Brewer Science 是世界上最具原创性和创新力的公司之一,拥有最以人为本的全球商业模式。他表示, “我们的财富来自创新; 我们的成就是出色的产品,而不是惊人的想法”。Brewer 博士重视公司的文化,即重点关注人才和创新氛围。
